Sunday, June 19, 2011

What's Cookin'...

... in the kiln?! This week's masterpieces! Can you find yours?

Crazy Contact Paper: Adult Technique Workshop

There's still time to sign up for the
Upcoming Workshop:
 June 25th - Crazy Contact Paper
BOLD and beautiful results with a little help from that household standby:  contact paper!


July 2nd – no Workshop

July 9th - Tissue Transfer
“But I can’t draw!”  Ah, but you can trace!  We’ll show you how easy it is to transfer almost any design

July 16th – Paper Cutouts
Let paper shapes add detail to your design – stars and hearts and more, oh my!

July 23rd  – Stencil-mania
Make stencils your friend again by learning a few tricks of the stencil trade.

July 30th – no Workshop

August 6th  – Graffito
Create fun designs in your painted pottery using an etching technique

August 13th  – Blending
Learn how to load different colors on your brush and bring out detail in your design

August 20th  – Lace Doilies
Get a truly lacy look painting through a plain ole doily!

Can’t make the Saturday morning workshop?  Organize a group of 4 or more and schedule a time with us!

Express Yourself!

Summer Workshops for Kids! 
Ages 7+
There's still room for our June 22nd workshop: Express Yourself!

Kids will be taking their own self-portrait then learn how to transfer it onto their pottery and paint it a la Warhol style ... that project, and other activities promise a fun time, so sign up now!
1:00-3:30pm – Wednesdays
$35 pre-paid, per workshop
(10% discount for siblings)