Friday, June 11, 2010

Official Twilight Night Date

It's Official!

5:00 to 9:00 PM 

 Which Team are you on?
  • Watch The Twilight Saga: Twilight and New Moon
  • Enjoy Twilight themed hors d'oeuvres and desserts
  • Twilight Trivia
  • Win prizes
  • Paint Pottery!
RSVP REQUIRED by Thursday, July 1st
Call: 407.688.7687
Admission: *Prepaid $15 Minimum to Reserve Your Spot

Questions about the$15 Prepaid Minimum? Below are a few examples of how it works.

Example 1: Purchasing an item that costs more than $15.
Prepay your Spot: $15
Day-of Regular Studio Fee: $8
Day-of Dinner Plate: $10
You Owe: $3

Example 2: Purchasing an item that equals $15.
Prepay your Spot: $15
Day-of Regular Studio Fee: $8
Day-of Mini Vase: $7
You Owe: $0

Example 3: Purchasing less than $15.
Prepay your Spot: $15
Day-of Regular Studio Fee: $8
Day-of Small Heart Plaque: $5
Because the minimum is $15, we encourage you to choose an item that is equal to or more than $15 as we cannot provide a refund for the remainder.

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